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Welcome to the

Chapter 534


New members, young or old, are always welcome!  


You will be joining an R/C club with more than 150 members who range from brand new flyers to some old pros. All of us are glad to see new flyers come out and enjoy what is probably the finest facility in Oregon. Our Airfield, Agate Skyways (Map to Airfield), has a paved runway 600 feet long by 60 feet wide surrounded by an absence of AIRPLANE EATING TREES. There are five pilot stations, a helicopter pad, 5 'start-up' stations, a large shaded hangar, and covered picnic tables. We have a battery operated charging station that is continuously solar charged. Its capacity is limited, but adequate for re-charging batteries. We have no other source of electricity and no water. There are also two large concrete restroom facilities.

Three things you need to join the Rogue Eagles:   


 1.  A copy of your current  Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership card OR your AMA member number.

 2.  Your completed and signed two-page Rogue Eagles Membership Application Form.

 3.  A check made out to "Rogue Eagles", or cash, for the required dues and initial processing fee. You must contact a Board member or your Club Flight Instructor to make an appointment at the field for your orientation and have them sign your New Member Orientation Form before you can receive your Rogue Eagles RC Club membership card.

Methods of joining the Rogue Eagles:  


1.  By mail (please, don’t send cash through the mail). 

     a.  Place the three things needed to join the Rogue Eagles in an envelope.

     b.  Mail the envelope to the address on the Rogue Eagles membership form.

2.  At a monthly General membership meeting  (most new members join here).

     a.  Bring the three things needed to join the Rogue Eagles to a meeting.

     b.  See the treasurer or any club officer present.


3.  At Agate Field (if an event is taking place). Bring the three things needed to join the Rogue Eagles to Agate Field. See any club officer present.

How much does it cost to join?  


The Rogue Eagles membership year runs from January through December. If joining in July, August, or September, contact our treasurer about possibly prorating your dues.

Rogue Eagles club dues are $75 per year for a standard membership, or $20 for an associate (non-flying) membership. There is also a one-time processing fee of $25 for new members.
♦  The amount payable to the Rogue Eagles for new members is $75 + $25 = $100.

♦  AMA membership is $75 per year ($65 if you are age 65 or older). 

Monthly General membership meetings:  


We meet at 7pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the 
     Central Point Senior Center;
     123 North 2nd Street;
     Central Point, OR.


Requirements to fly at Agate Field:  


Be a current Rogue Eagles member; your Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership card must be visibly displayed on your person when flying), or:


One of the following:

     a.  Be a visiting flyer with a current AMA membership*, participating in a Rogue Eagles event.

     b.  Be a current AMA member and pay a $5 field usage fee per day, using the usage fee collection box located by the flag pole.


* Student pilots, flying under the direct supervision of a Rogue Eagles authorized instructor, are not required to be AMA members.


That's it... you are now a Rogue Eagle!  Welcome aboard... now you're ready to FLY!!

Have not learned to fly yet or are too 'rusty'? Click Here!

Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved Rogue Eagles RC Club

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